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Taiji TCM - Akupunktur Klinik (Bern)

Taiji TCM - Akupunktur Klinik has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
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About Us


Acupuncture is one of the most important treatment methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This includes the idea that the body energies the Qi (Tschi pronounced) is flowing through, which flows in precisely defined pathways, the so-called meridians. On the meridians are numerous points through which the flow of qi can be influenced.

In acupuncture, needles of different lengths are inserted into specific points along the meridians. This is always done strictly individually, precisely according to the symptoms and complaints of the patient. The stimulation achieved in this way affects qi in various ways: it can dissolve a possible blockage of qi, strengthen the flow of qi, or drain an overflow of qi. The puncture is usually painless.

Acupuncture is able to inhibit spasms and reduce pressure within organs and tissues. It can stimulate circulation, promote blood flow, release pressure from tissues to nerves, and rehabilitate injured tissues. In this way, pain can also be relieved. Thus, acupuncture can not only effectively relieve pain, but also activate the functions of the body.

Modern scientific research has proved that acupuncture can improve the function of zangfu organs (storage and hollow organs). Strengthen the immune system, regulate the functions of the nervous system, promote blood circulation, maintain the balance of internal secretion.

On your first treatment you will receive a **discount of CHF150.- !

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Taiji TCM - Akupunktur Klinik

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    Spitalgasse 35 3011 Bern

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    0315... Show number 031 503 18 87
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