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FAQs for companies

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions from our users.

About Massage-Comparison

Massage-Comparison is a comparison platform that provides information about all providers in Switzerland - with prices, ratings, pictures and further contact details. As a provider of an industry, you can promote your business on the Massage-Comparison by registering and placing free or paid listings. Your position in the search results list depends on the completeness of your contact information as well as on the number of paid ranking points. The latter can be purchased, adjusted and deleted by the companies themselves at any time and without contractual commitment.

With a placement on Massage-Comparison you improve the online presence of your company in a targeted manner and optimise your retrievability - also in the major search engines in Switzerland.

Massage-Comparison is operated by Swisscom Directories AG.

Once you have registered, you have the possibility to create your listing on your own, add information and pictures, as well as improve your positioning in the search. For the free registration you only have to enter the salutation, your name, your e-mail address and a password.

Your company is already displayed on Massage-Comparison even though you have not yet registered? Then your company is already listed in one of the other Swisscom Directories directories. Register on our platform via the usual registration process with your company's data and claim the existing listing for yourself.

In the help center you will find all the important information about the comparison platform - from functionalities and processes to frequently asked questions.

The following link will take you directly to the help center: https://support-vergleich-comparatif-comparazione.zendesk.com/hc/de.

Use this central point of contact to get answers to your questions quickly and easily.

Create and manage listing

Once you have activated your account, you can complete your data and create a free listing. You have the possibility to enter your contact details, services, pictures, etc. of your company and thus make your free listing as attractive as possible.

To ensure that your listing appears in the search and can be found by potential customers, you can add it on the place that is relevant to you. If you would like to place your listing in several locations, you can also do this free of charge.

You would like to add a picture to your listing? Log in to your account with your login data and go to the menu item "listing overview", click on the edit icon or on "listing details". There you have the option of uploading pictures, exchanging existing picture or deleting it.

Make sure you upload pictures with a maximum of 300 dpi so that customers get a good impression of you and your services. The format should be a png or jpg file and the image should not exceed 12MB. Ideally, have an image ready that has a length and height ratio of 3:2 i.e. 1600 x 1200 pixels and a size or pixel density of max. 300 dpi. Finally, please make sure that you own the rights to the image and that it belongs to you.

We check all uploaded images. Images that are deemed inadequate will be removed from the platform immediately. If you discover an image on the platform that you believe violates the guidelines, please report it directly to the comparison platform team via contact form - the image you reported will then be checked immediately.

You have several branches at different locations and would like to list them? No problem. Log in to your account and then click on "Create a new listing". After entering the contact information, the offer and the branch location, you have created another free listing. You can edit all your listings and add ranking points via your account.

You no longer wish to benefit from the reach of Massage-Comparison and want to delete your listing? Then log into your account and click on the item "Listing overview" in the menu bar. For each of the listings displayed, you will find the area "01. Listing details". If you open this area and scroll to the end, you will reach the option "Delete listing". If you wish, you can delete your listing or keep it running as a free listing after you have deactivated the ranking points.

With a listing on Massage-Comparison, you benefit from the reach of a strong platform that also helps you to be found more easily in the major search engines such as Google and Bing.

To find out how often your listing has already been viewed by potential customers, please log in to your customer account and go to "Statistics overview" in the menu bar. There you will find a detailed evaluation for each of your listings, including the number of times your listing has been viewed.

Ranking points

Ranking points are a paid index for the placement of a listing. The more ranking points you buy for your listing, the higher your listing will be placed in the search results list. You can decide for yourself at any time where you want to appear in the search results list and how many ranking points you want to buy for your listing - without any minimum contract period.

To buy ranking points, please log in to your customer account and go to the menu item "Listing overview". You will find the section "03. Ranking points" for each of the listings displayed. If you open this area, you have the possibility to acquire ranking points. You will always be shown how many ranking points are required for which placement. Decide for yourself at which position your listing appears in the search results list. The costs are calculated on a daily basis and you can adjust or remove your ranking points at any time. There is no contract term or cancellation period.

The maximum bidding is the sure way to secure position 1 in the search results list. Enter the maximum amount you want to spend per day for position 1 and automatically outbid all bids below it. You only ever pay for position 1 the amount you have to spend to outbid others. If another company bids more for place 1 and thus pushes your bid to place 2, you will immediately receive a notification and have the opportunity to adjust your maximum bidding.

Become successful

With a listing on Massage-Comparison, you benefit from the reach of a strong platform that also helps you to be found better in major search engines such as Google and Bing.

Do you want to be found better on Massage-Comparison and present yourself profitably to potential customers? Then the first step is to add all your company's contact information. This way, your listing will appear higher up in the list of all search results and potential customers can contact you directly.

Do you want to be found even better? Then buy as many ranking points as you like. The following applies: The more ranking points you buy, the higher you will be placed in the search results list. Follow the suggestions in your account, which show you how many ranking points you need for a position 1 to 3. Place a maximum bidding to secure the first position permanently.

Your listing on the Massage-Comparison is like a business card of your company. To ensure that you can be contacted as quickly and easily as possible, it is best to add all available contact details such as telephone numbers, websites, social media channels or email addresses.

Use your listing to present yourself to potential customers in as much detail as possible. Answer the following questions: Who are you and what makes you special? (description), what services do you offer that are industry-specific? (industry standard services), are there perhaps services that only you offer? (personalised services), do you have a bus station nearby? Perfect, then record this under "Amenities". The more information you provide on the individual aspects, the better you will be found, especially if potential customers use the filter function and search for specific aspects.

On Massage-Comparison, customers have the option of making an appointment or price enquiry directly with their desired provider. If you are registered, we will inform you immediately by e-mail about the new enquiry and you can contact the potential customer directly.


Basically, as soon as you have received a rating, we will send you an email so that you don't miss anything. Simply log in to your account. The menu will take you to the page with your reviews. Here you can not only view all the reviews you have already received, but also react to them and write replies.

Customer reviews are important and add the finishing touch to your business online. You cannot delete reviews on your listings on your own.

VERGLEICH CH checks all incoming reviews. Reviews that are deemed insulting, defamatory, racist, sexist or otherwise inadequate will be removed from the platform immediately. If you discover a review on the platform that you believe violates the guidelines, please contact us via the contact form - the review you have reported will then be reviewed immediately.

On Massage-Comparison, the review guidelines of Swisscom Directories AG apply. These can be found here. We reserve the right to make further changes.

Yes, this option is available. If you do not wish to have your company rated by customers, please contact us via contact form. Please note that ratings are important for an authentic company appearance and that without ratings your company can partly no longer be considered when using filters and displaying rated companies.

You have managed to collect many good customer reviews on Massage-Comparison and would now like to present them in the best possible way?

Then use your personal review badge to make your good review on Massage-Comparison visible on your website as well. On the one hand, a rating badge is an image that always displays your current average rating on Massage-Comparison and thus convinces potential customers of the high quality of your service. When website visitors click on your rating badge, they are also taken directly to your listing and can read through all the experiences of previous customers in detail. To use your review badge, please log in to your customer account and then go to the menu item "Listing overview" Displayed for all of your listings, you will find a share symbol in the upper right corner. Click on it, select "review badge" and follow the instructions displayed.

Also watch the video instructions.

You have the option to download an individual QR code for each of your listings. This is an encrypted image for a link that leads to your listing on Massage-Comparison. Use the QR code to give your customers a quick and convenient way to leave a rating and review. The QR code is available in various file formats and can be used as desired (e.g. printed on business cards, flyers, displays or you can also integrate it digitally, e.g. in e-mails). To download the QR code, please log in to your customer account and then go to the menu item "Listing overview". For each of the listings displayed, you will find a share symbol in the upper right corner. Click on it, select "QR code for reviews" and follow the instructions displayed.

You can also watch the video instructions.


If you use fee-based services from Massage-Comparison, you will receive an invoice by post twice a year (beginning of January / beginning of July). It is not necessary for you to specify any other means of payment - we only need your billing address. Thanks to the cost overview in your customer account, you always have an overview of the current costs of all your listings.

To adjust your billing address, please log in to your customer account with your login data and then go to the menu item "Profile management". There you have the option to adjust the billing address of your company.

Contact details

Your profile information includes your billing details (company address, contact person, phone number, etc.), your log-in details (email address and password) and your notification preferences.

To customise this information, please log in to your customer account and then go to "Profile management" in the menu.

We are very sorry that you are considering deleting your account.

Is there anything we can do to improve your experience on the platform?

You are welcome to give us feedback at any time here. Your opinion is very important to us and helps us to continuously improve Massage-Comparison.

If you would still like to definitely delete your account, please send a deletion request via the contact form.

Your company's address is displayed free of charge in your listing. If you would like additional contact information such as website, email address, telephone number, mobile phone number, Whatsapp number, as well as social media links to be available to potential customers, you must first activate these for a fee.

For activation, please log in to your customer account and go to the menu item "Listing overview". For each listing displayed, you will find the section "01. Listing details". Open it and then click on the "Contact details" section. You can now add all the information you require. As soon as you have agreed to the costs and saved the entry, the corresponding contact information will be displayed in your listing. You can remove the contact details at any time. There is no minimum contract period or notice period.

Any questions?

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