Forty years ago physiotherapist Giuseppe Viviani by all known as "Pupo" opened his practice in Chiasso in collaboration with Enrico Lupi and two physiotherapists.
In August 2016, moving to Corso San Gottardo 15, Pupo opened the Giuseppe Viviani Sagl Physiotherapy Outpatient Clinic.
The staff currently consists of physiotherapists, medical massage therapists, osteopath, complementary therapist and a radiologist.
The welcome, seriousness as well as great experience make the office a place of great professionalism, where much attention is paid to new treatment techniques in the neurological, rheumatological, trauma and sports fields.
The gym
is an important place of physiotherapeutic rehabilitation where passive work is combined with active work. By training coordination, proprioception, balance and stability of individual body districts, an 'optimal physical recovery is regained. This is thanks to the long experience of the professional team and the use of the latest equipment.
The pool
Twice a week physiotherapists work in the rehabilitation pool taking care of disabled patients and patients with neurological, rheumatological and orthopedic problems. The physical properties of the water, its temperature (30°C) and targeted exercises allow muscle relaxation that contributes to pain reduction and increased muscle tone. In fact, the agonist and antagonist muscles in the absence of gravity work synergistically against the resistance of the water during pushing and recovery.
Medical consultation
Instrumental therapies
Diadynamic currents
Cryo and heat shock
Dry needling
Percutaneous echo-guided electrolysis
ND YAG laser
Tecar therapy
Shockwave therapy
Cervical and lumbar traction
Myofascial trigger-point
Ultrasound therapy
Manual therapies
Functional bandaging
Kinesio taping
Lymphatic drainage sec. Vodder
Medical massage
Mobilization sec. Kaltenborn
CDS/GDK osteopathy
Uro-gynecological rehabilitation
Foot reflexology
Postural therapies
Rehabilitation therapies
Corrective gymnastics
Isokinetic gymnastics
Post orthopedic surgery gymnastics
Posttraumatic gymnastics
Neurological rehabilitation
Sports rehabilitation
- Perineal rehabilitation
Water rehabilitation therapies
Fibromyalgia pathway
Orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation pathway
Complementary therapies
Energy diagnosis
Psychological testing according to Lüscher
Home therapies