From massages to electrotherapy and singing bowl therapy
Classic massage
Regulatory effect on pulse, blood pressure and respiration.
Air cushion: is an efficient complement to manual therapy.
Relaxation of the whole musculoskeletal system, good positioning in case of pain.
There are self-help exercises to maintain it.
Manual lymphatic drainage (edema therapy)
Decongestion, drainage therapy with scar treatment, possibly compression bandage, homework (movement exercises)
Connective tissue massage (reflex zone therapy)
Traction and pressure technique affects skin, subcutaneous tissues, fascia, muscles and internal organs.
Improvement of mobility of individual skin layers.
Organs are reached through the cutivisceral reflex arc.
Foot reflexology
Expelling, cleaning and arranging
Skanlab Bodywave 25 (heat treatment device)
This device generates a high-frequency alternating current field of 0.5-1 MHz (long-wave diathermy).
Local and deep heat
Increase local blood circulation, relieve pain, improve tissue elasticity
and improve local mobility
stimulates blood circulation, relieves pain, relaxes (added comfrey gel, hay flower gel, etc.) EMR, ASCA and EGK recognized.
These therapies are recognized by health insurers with supplementary insurance from complementary or alternative medicine.
Member of the SVBM Swiss Association of Professional Massage Therapists in Mels.
The following therapies are intended to maintain health (prevention):
Stone massage
With warm lava stones muscle tensions are released (deep relaxation).
Dorn therapy (Gentle Dorn therapy according to Dieter Dorn)
Here, displacements and imbalances in the vertebrae and joints are gently brought back to their natural position by an appropriate handshake of the therapist in combination with light movements of the client (teamwork).
Breuss massage (by Rudolf Breuss)
Energetic back massage for nervous conditions or fatigue, back pain, especially in the thoracic / lumbar spine.
Singing bowl therapy
Tibetan singing bowls are properly placed on the client's clothes and set down.
Massage blockade reliever, stimulates blood circulation, relieves pain. Scar treatment, also with acupuncture pens