masseurs in the canton of Aargau that offer Dorn and Breus Therapy (75)
Lebenszeit Massage Praxis
PremiumVillmergenAnglikerstrasse 83, 5612 VillmergenLebenszeit Massage Praxis has been rated 5 out of 5 stars52 Reviews078 751 99 15 0787... Show mobile number 078 751 99 15 078 751 99 15 *Classic massageWellness massageFoot reflexology massageConnective tissue massageDorn and Breus TherapyAcupuncture massage APMBasic spine balancingEsalen massageSwing cushion therapy / Spiraldynamic muscle chain training according to Dr. SmisekPersonality Coaching / Somatic Coaching -
M M Therapiepraxis
PremiumZofingenVordere Hauptgasse 2, 4800 Zofingen0 Reviews079 199 55 88 0791... Show number 079 199 55 88 079 199 55 88From CHF 120.- per hourClassic massageSports massageWellness massageLymphatic drainageFoot reflexology massageConnective tissue massageDorn and Breus Therapy -
PremiumWürenlosJuchstrasse 3, 5436 Würenlos0 Reviews078 201 79 81 0782... Show number 078 201 79 81 078 201 79 81 *From CHF 50.- per hourClassic massageMedical massageSports massageWellness massageLymphatic drainageConnective tissue massageDorn and Breus Therapy -
Hodel Gerda
PremiumWettingenSeminarstrasse 99, 5430 WettingenHodel Gerda has been rated 5 out of 5 stars52 Reviews076 542 49 86 0765... Show mobile number 076 542 49 86 076 542 49 86From CHF 120.- per hourClassic massageFoot reflexology massageDorn and Breus Therapy -
PremiumKöllikenSchönenwerderst.40, 5742 Kölliken0 Reviews078 200 57 76 0782... Show number 078 200 57 76 078 200 57 76 *Classic massageDorn and Breus TherapyFoot reflexology massageWellness massageMedical massage -
Astrid Plattner-Gürtler Kantonal geprüfte Naturärztin BL
PremiumMagdenSandgarten 19, 4312 Magden0 Reviews079 415 81 25 0794... Show mobile number 079 415 81 25 079 415 81 25 *From CHF 140.- per hourLymphatic drainageFoot reflexology massageDorn and Breus Therapy -
Massage4 Sport & Gesundheit
LotzwilHuttwilstrasse 24, 4932 LotzwilMassage4 Sport & Gesundheit has been rated 5 out of 5 stars59 Reviews079 777 59 87 0797... Show mobile number 079 777 59 87 079 777 59 87 *From CHF 98.- per hourClassic massageMedical massageSports massageWellness massageDorn and Breus Therapy -
Allemann Ria Praxis für Massage & Sprache
DietikonLärchenstrasse 20, 8953 DietikonAllemann Ria Praxis für Massage & Sprache has been rated 5 out of 5 stars59 Reviews079 282 55 51 0792... Show mobile number 079 282 55 51 079 282 55 51 *From CHF 100.- per hourClassic massageWellness massageFoot reflexology massageDorn and Breus Therapy -
Naturheilpraxis Baumann
MellingenGheidstrasse 11, 5507 MellingenNaturheilpraxis Baumann has been rated 5 out of 5 stars53 Reviews044 371 72 62 0443... Show number 044 371 72 62 044 371 72 62 *From CHF 144.- per hourClassic massageSports massageWellness massageLymphatic drainageDorn and Breus TherapyPhytotherapyDieteticsEliminative proceduresHydrotherapy -
Nati's Sportmassage Praxis
BüsserachBreitenbachstrasse 1, 4227 BüsserachNati's Sportmassage Praxis has been rated 5 out of 5 stars57 ReviewsFrom CHF 90.- per hourClassic massageSports massageDorn and Breus TherapyChildren massageNeck/back massageKinesio or Classic TapeFull body warm oil massageMobilization of the joints from the hip to the cervical spineWellness massageFoot reflexology massage
* This company does not want promotional calls.
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