Masseurs in Wohlen AG - Compare 25 massage studios
Lebenszeit Massage Praxis
PremiumVillmergenAnglikerstrasse 83, 5612 VillmergenLebenszeit Massage Praxis has been rated 5 out of 5 stars52 Reviews078 751 99 15 0787... Show mobile number 078 751 99 15 078 751 99 15 *Classic massageWellness massageFoot reflexology massageConnective tissue massageDorn and Breus TherapyAcupuncture massage APMBasic spine balancingEsalen massageSwing cushion therapy / Spiraldynamic muscle chain training according to Dr. SmisekPersonality Coaching / Somatic Coaching -
Chillout Zone
Wildegg AGBruggerstrasse 11d, 5103 Wildegg AGChillout Zone has been rated 5 out of 5 stars53 Reviews079 616 42 18 0796... Show number 079 616 42 18 079 616 42 18From CHF 96.- per hourClassic massageMedical massageSports massageWellness massageLymphatic drainageFoot reflexology massageLiebscher and Bracht Pain TherapyPregnancy massageCupping -
Naturheilpraxis Baumann
MellingenGheidstrasse 11, 5507 MellingenNaturheilpraxis Baumann has been rated 5 out of 5 stars53 Reviews044 371 72 62 0443... Show number 044 371 72 62 044 371 72 62 *From CHF 144.- per hourClassic massageSports massageWellness massageLymphatic drainageDorn and Breus TherapyPhytotherapyDieteticsEliminative proceduresHydrotherapy -
Praxis Im Einklang® Fussreflexzonenmassage Komplementärtherapeutin mit Branchenzertifikat OdA KT
Affoltern am AlbisBetpurstrasse 31, 8910 Affoltern am Albis0 Reviews076 563 35 63 0765... Show mobile number 076 563 35 63 076 563 35 63 *From CHF 120.- per hourFoot reflexology massageRhythmic embrocations -
AMAPRA Ayurveda-Massage Praxis
Wohlen AGKirchenrain 6, 5610 Wohlen AGAMAPRA Ayurveda-Massage Praxis has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews078 713 94 44 0787... Show mobile number 078 713 94 44 078 713 94 44 *From CHF 60.- per hourWellness massage -
StaufenAarauerstrasse 25, 5603 Staufen0 Reviews079 535 36 22 0795... Show number 079 535 36 22 079 535 36 22 *Classic massageMedical massageSports massageWellness massageLymphatic drainageFoot reflexology massageConnective tissue massageThai massageDorn and Breus TherapyColon massageHeadache and migraine therapySpine therapyTMJ therapy -
Physiotherapie Wohlen AG
Wohlen AGWilstrasse 2, 5610 Wohlen AGPhysiotherapie Wohlen AG has been rated 5 out of 5 stars55 Reviews056 621 98 30 0566... Show number 056 621 98 30 056 621 98 30 * -
Praxis Schau zu dir - Nadia Caruso
HägglingenDottikerstrasse 2, 5607 Hägglingen0 Reviews079 257 41 81 0792... Show mobile number 079 257 41 81 079 257 41 81 *From CHF 130.- per hourFoot reflexology massageAcupuncture massage according to RadloffNutritional advice TCMHolistic cancer counselingR.E.S.E.TAromatouchLymphatic drainageWellness massage -
Reflex Balance
Wohlen AGSonnhaldenweg 6, 5610 Wohlen AGReflex Balance has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 Reviews056 622 02 13 0566... Show number 056 622 02 13 056 622 02 13 *From CHF 90.- per hourWellness massageFoot reflexology massage -
Massagestudio Janine Weibel
MuriRütliweg 16, 5630 Muri0 Reviews076 246 36 34 0762... Show number 076 246 36 34 076 246 36 34From CHF 70.- per hourClassic massage
* This company does not want promotional calls.
Masseurs near Wohlen AG
- Anglikon
- Villmergen
- Waltenschwil
- Büttikon AG
- Niederwil AG
- Fischbach-Göslikon
- Dottikon
- Uezwil
- Nesselnbach
- Hilfikon
- Sarmenstorf
- Bremgarten AG
- Hägglingen
- Dintikon
- Kallern
- Hendschiken
- Tägerig
- Boswil
- Stetten AG
- Ammerswil AG