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Studio K2 by Adriana GmbH (Zürich)

0 Reviews

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About Us

As the founder and owner of Studio K2 by Adriana I would like to introduce myself briefly.

Since I was a child I have been following my great passion for the beauty world, and skin in particular fascinates me. During my professional career I gained international work experience in Finland and France. Among other things, I worked for seven years in a beauty salon in Helsinki (FI).

In Switzerland I completed my broad knowledge in cosmetics, with a diploma at the "Cornelia Heydecker School" in Zurich. Subsequently, I worked as a Senior Beauty Consultant for three years. Since March 2021 I run my own studio in Zurich Seefeld.

In my free time I like to do sports, I am engaged in healthy nutrition and I pursue my great interest in the beauty world.

I look forward to meeting you in person!

Your beauty expert Adriana

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Location and contact

Show directions

Studio K2 by Adriana GmbH

  • office address office address

    Höschgasse 46 8008 Zürich

  • Phone Phone
    0444... Show number 044 422 50 31 *
    0782... Show mobile number 078 218 07 29 *
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Studio K2 by Adriana GmbH